“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates
There are many ways to view challenges that come before us. The secret to overcoming and rising above any obstacle lives solely in our personal conviction and focus to make that change a reality.
If you really want something, you have to silence the doubts, the distractions, the fears and the drag your feet, “why me, I don’t wanna, it’s too hard” rhetoric that we chant when something looms impossible in front us. Let’s face it. We can always come up with a fine excuse. Not today, it’s too cold, too hot, too rainy, too windy. My mind is too cluttered today, I’m sad, I’m tired, I’m overwhelmed, I’m angry.
We have to
Take one step in another direction. I see where I wish to go, but I cannot find the road, where is the path to get there? It’s all just too much. So don’t look at every detail…pick one, conquer it. What can I change right now, what small thing?
When you see it, grab it, make it happen and make it stick, then pick another and don’t look back.
Soon you will own the path, and you will love your journey.
Love, Sue